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Kislingbury CE Primary School

Flourishing, academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually through love.

School Values

We have chosen 7 values that are at the heart of our teaching; and these underpin everything we do in our school. These values as listed below, are integral to our school family and set the behaviour standards of our pupils and staff. We promote a strong Christian ethos which respects other faiths and religions. Those values are all encompassed by our overriding value of love.  

Our pupils are awarded house points for demonstrating the values and good behaviour through their daily activities whether it is at school or at home. Each child is allocated to one of our 4 houses (Mandela, Greta, Hawking and Nightingale) and each house is associated with a charity. Regular school events such as 'Mandela House Day' allows funds to be raised for the dedicated charities. Every week the house points are totalled and the house that obtains the most points is awarded 'House of the Week'. Our pupils enjoy working together to achieve their best and compete in a healthy way.

Our values and ethos also encourage our pupils to understand the ‘British Values’  through the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are evident today and help prepare them for life in modern Britain.

Each term we have a specific value which is the focus of our Worship schedule and this links to our PSHE (Psychological, Social, Health and Emotional) work. We communicate our values regularly and inform governors via meetings and parents via newsletters. This allows the school community to work together to promote the positive values.

Our Twelve Core Christian Values are:

Love  |  Forgiveness  |  Kindness  |  Respect  |  Perseverance  | Honesty  |  Friendship  |