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Kislingbury CE Primary School

Flourishing, academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually through love.

School Prospectus

Our prospectus provides an overview to welcome new parents and families to our school.




Kislingbury C.E. Primary School

Part of Peterborough Diocese Educational Trust


Executive Headteacher: Mrs R Osborne
Principal:  Mrs Sophie Wells

Chair of Local Governing Board: Mrs L Smith


Welcome to Kislingbury C.E. Primary School


Firstly, we would like to offer you a warm welcome to you and your child to our school family. The aim of this information booklet is to provide you with some important initial information about the life and work of our school community. Our school is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos and values system, with a belief that every person in our school family matters. We are committed to working in partnership with parents, Peterborough Diocese Educational Trust and our community to ensure the best possible experiences for the children in our care. We hope the information included is of assistance but should you have any queries please do not hesitate in contacting the school. The telephone and e-mail address are detailed below.

Mrs Sophie Wells

Head of School:

School Office:
Telephone:01604 831172



School Organisation

From September 2023 we will have 116 children on roll organised into five classes. Some classes are vertically grouped (i.e. have more than one year of children). The children are grouped according to a number of factors including maturity, attainment and friendship groups. Teaching staff differentiate work for pupils based on attainment rather than year group, though we do monitor our curriculum coverage carefully to ensure that children have the experiences they are entitled to. The Early Years Foundation Stage is a separate class.


The school has four houses, which run from EYFS up to Year 6, and include children from all ages. Children earn ‘House Points’ though the quality of their behaviour and their learning. Each week a house group wins an award for the most points collected. In addition, each house supports a charity of its choice and raises funds for that charity during the year. The houses are names after significant figures and given colours. Each week, the children can collect house points which lead to a house being awarded ‘House of the Week’

School Council

We aim to provide children with opportunities for personal development and to enable them to have a say in the future of their school. The School Council meets regularly to discuss issues and make decisions. Each class has two representatives on the Council and voting takes place at the beginning of each new school year.

EYFS Buddies

Every new member of the Early Years Class is given a Year Six ‘Buddy’ who will help to guide the younger children, support them at lunch times and playtimes and be a friendly face further up the school to help welcome the children into our school family. These will be allocated early in the autumn term.

Organisation of the School Day

Reception children receive 32 hours and 30 minutes each week

Key stage 1 and 2 children receive 32 hours and 55 minutes each week

Initial Transition Period

Starting at a new school, even if a child has been going to a nursery can be an unsettling process and we try to ensure this is as easy for the children as we can. We will be talking with the various pre-school providers, arranging to visit your child in their home to talk with yourselves and the children about their families and what they like to play and do. We will also have an afternoon when you can join them in school and a morning when they can stay independently before the summer holiday. 

Drop off and Collection

The school gates are open at 8.30am. We do ask that an adult stays on the playground with each child while they are in the Early Years in the morning until the class are collected at 8.40. We do ask that we have the details of any adult who is likely to collect your child at the end of the day so we can ensure a safe handover. We will not allow the children to go with an adult unless we have been given their details prior to collection. EYFS pupils come out of school through their outdoor area.

Lunch Time

Hot meals are available each day through the ABM Company on the school site. These will be free for any children in the EYFS, Years One and Two. Alternatively children can bring in packed lunches.  Hot meals can be booked for individual days or combination of days but do have to be booked in advance on-line. Details will be provided of the Parent Pay login. All lunches are taken in the school hall and children having hot dinners do mix with those having packed lunch. A sample menu from ABM can be provided from the school office.


The Early Year class room has permanent access to an outdoor learning area so the children can and will be moving freely between the indoor and outdoor areas. In addition they have three specific break times each day.


Children in every year group are given free fruit each day to have as their mid-morning snack. Milk may also be ordered and water is always available. The school will supply your child with a water bottle which has their name on it and which stays in school. The children can fill their bottle during the day from our water coolers.

Illness and Absence

We will need to have up-to-date contact parent and carer contact details for each child in school in case of emergencies or illness. It is also very important for us to have records of any ongoing medical conditions or allergies prior to your child starting school and that these records are updated as necessary. Teaching staff are not able to administer medication to pupils however the trained first-aiders in school can administer medication if essential and appropriate, with written permission. If your child requires medication then it should be brought to the school office. Parents are required to leave written instructions regarding the administration of the medicine. Inhalers are the exception and may be kept and administered by the child as appropriate.

If your child is absent from school you must contact the school on each morning of absence to inform us of the reason and the anticipated date of return. The school office has an answer-phone facility so a message can be left if there is no-one in the office to take your message in person. After your child has returned to school your child should have an absence note. All notes are kept confidentially. If we do not receive any confirmation of absence then we will record the absence as unauthorised.

Holidays in term time are not authorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Any such authorisation for holidays in term time is at the discretion of the Headteacher.


It is important to us at Kislingbury that our children look smart and are ready to learn. It is policy that all pupils wear the correct school uniform, including school shoes and P.E. ware.  We do not allow jewellery or extreme haircuts.  A copy of our policy and specific uniform details are included in the pack.  

Behaviour and Discipline

At school our aim is to encourage the children to take responsibility for their own behaviour. The Christian Values underpin all aspects of behaviour in the school.

If children choose to behave inappropriately in the classroom then there are agreed consequences which are followed consistently across the school. We use a traffic light system which is easily understood which has the overriding principle that It’s Good To Be Green. Good behaviour is rewarded in our Friday Achievement Assembly.

The school has a zero tolerance approach to inappropriate playground behaviour. Children who choose to behave in such a manner are excluded from the playground for a set period of time and parents are routinely informed of misbehaviour.

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Staff Details 2024-25


Executive Head Teacher                  Mrs R Osborne
Principal                                            Mrs Sophie Wells


Foundation Stage                             Miss A. McAneny 
Year 1/2                                             Mrs C.Thornely/Mrs Valente
Years 3/4                                            Miss Hives
Years 4/5                                            Mrs Dolman/Mrs Davies
Year 5/6                                              Mrs J Lunn/Mrs Valente
SENCO                                               Mrs J. Lunn 

Family Support Worker                    Mrs A. Helm

Teaching Assistants

Mrs A. Helmn/Mrs C. Best
Mrs A. Maloney
Mrs A. Forrester

Mrs L Duncan



Higher Level Teaching Assistants

Mrs K Munton


Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Harding
Mrs Brant

Mrs Stone
Mrs Tebbut

Site Supervisor                      Mr C. Hawkey
Cleaner                                  Mrs P. Hamp / Minister Cleaning

Local Governing Board

Our school is fortunate to have a strong and committed team of Governors. A detailed list of governors and their specific roles are provided on the school web-site and in the entrance lobby of the school. A number of governors are usually available each morning alongside the principal.

Friends of Kislingbury School

We have a very active ‘Friends’ group who organise a number of fund raising events throughout the school year including Discos, summer and Christmas Fetes, Film Nights etc. They are always looking for new members so if you feel you would like to contribute to the school community in this way please let us know.

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The Foundation Stage Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation stage includes all children in educational settings from birth to five years of age. It is based around four themes:

  • A unique child – every child is a competent learner from birth
  • Positive relationships – children learn to be strong and independent by being embedded in secure relationships with adults
  • Enabling environments – the environment plays a key role in extending children’s early development and learning.
  • Learning and development – children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. Each area of learning and development is of equal importance

Learning and Development

There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational provision in early years’ settings.

All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Staff will also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.

Specific Areas

- Literacy
- Mathematics

- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design

We deliver learning for all of the areas through, purposeful play and learning experiences, with a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities.

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The Curriculum through the Remainder of the School


At Kislingbury CE Primary School we deliver the National Curriculum 2014 throughout Key Stage 1 and 2 providing pupils with ‘an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens and to the best that has been thought and said, helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement’.

We regard the curriculum as the progression model. We focus on knowledge progression mainly through subject specific models within the context of themes or topics.  Hence, our aim is for our curriculum to be coherently planned, organised and structured with key concepts identified and prioritised, built upon and revisited.

Fro further details of our curriculum please see the curriculum section of the website

Curriculum Enrichment

To ensure our curriculum excites and inspires the children we provide a range of ‘Wow days’ visits, trips and topic focus days with each unit of work.

Visitors to our school

In recent times we have had the Royal and Derngate Theatre group work with the children on producing their own version of Shakespear’s Macbeth. We have had an educational group come in to school and run a Victorian day for the whole school and a Viking Day, an Egyptian day and an Author visiting the school.  We have also had visits from the Life Education team, the local police, charities and a number of parents have come in to talk about their jobs or their interests.


In addition to regular in school visits we aim to offer children the opportunity each year for the children to visit places of interest linked to their topics, outdoor pursuit centres, and theatres and to take part in team competitions. Every year we run a Year Five, two day and a Year Six five day residential visit.

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A Christian School


Part of the strength of our school is the strong Christian ethos. It is the foundation of our pupil’s excellent behaviour and attitude to learning. Christian values underpin everything we do in school and help to create the strong and supportive family atmosphere present in our community.

Our Christian Values - All of our values are encompassed in the value of Love



Respect and Compassion

As a Church of England school we have a daily act of worship. The worship time gives us a chance to be together and to talk about the wider issues of our school, the community and wider world we live in. We encourage all pupils and families, regardless of their own faith and beliefs to take an active part in these times of togetherness, although of course parents do have the right to withdraw their child from our worship. The worships are led by the Headteacher, other members of staff, and visitors, including the clergy from the Church of England and Baptist Ministry. The whole school worship on Friday is an Achievement Service which allows us to celebrate the learning, behaviour and Christian values displayed by the children and staff that week. This worship is also open to the wider school family to attend.

We use St Luke’s Parish Church as often as possible for events during the Christian calendar, for example at Easter, Harvest Festival and Christmas. Our Year Six pupils also have their Leaving Service in the Church.


Through appropriate curricular provision, we respect the fact that children:

  • have different educational and behavioural needs and aspirations;
  • require different strategies for learning;
  • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates;
  • need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.

Teachers respond to children’s needs by

  • providing support for children who need help with communication, language and literacy;
  • planning to develop children’s understanding through the use of all available senses and experiences;
  • planning for children’s full participation in learning, and in physical and practical activities;
  • helping children to manage their behaviour and to take part in learning effectively and safely;
  • helping individuals to manage their emotions, particularly trauma or stress, and to take part in learning.

Special Needs

Pupils who are highlighted as having specific educational needs or disabilities are tracked, monitored and their provision and progress are reviewed by the school’s SENCO alongside their class teacher in line with National Special Educational Needs Provision.

Home Learning

In the initial years of school, your child reading regularly at home and you reading to them, are the most important input you can have to their home learning. Children will be provided with a reading scheme book but it is important that they also have access to other books and reading material at home. They will also be provided with ‘sounds of the week’ and Sentences of the Week’ to learn, linked to their phonic and spelling work; plus additional English and Maths based tasks. They will also have some topic themed activities to try if they wish.

Communication with the school

Good communication between parents and the school is vital. We provide three parent evenings a year for you to meet with the class teacher plus a written report at the end of each year. We are also run parent information evenings and class teachers are available on the playground every morning. We are also happy to arrange specific meetings with your child’s class teacher.

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