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Kislingbury CE Primary School

Flourishing, academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually through love.

Homework (W/C 6th July)

Hello All! I hope you are getting on well.

As usual, if you are in Miss Holland's class, you can focus on the homework set from this class, but please look at the writing challenge for this week! You can bring it into school or email it to Miss Pittam (email address below). If you want some extra challenge to fill your time, please feel free to use any or all resources listed below.

This week's homework is based around the e-book "A Monster Surprise" (attached in the documents section below). Read the story with your adult (adult reading) and discuss what you can see using your noticing eyes through the story (maybe there is something on the pages you would not expect). At the end or at another occasion, tell the story back to your adult using your noticing eyes and what you can see in the pictures.

This week in class we have been looking at one more and one less. A lot of the children can now add one more to numbers up to around 15 in their heads. Do a quick test on your child, asking "What is one more than 13?" etc. and encourage them to answer "One more than __ is __". If you feel your child needs support, you could draw a number line from 0-20 and get them to find their number. If this is still difficult, lower the number and/or provide practical resources they can count out and physiclly remove one and count again. Most of the children can work out one less than numbers below 7 in their head, so this is the area that needs to be practised most. Use the above ideas to test them, noticing their current level and making it easier or more difficult according to their knowledge. Use the phrases "What is one less than __?" and encourage them to answer in full sentences "One less than __ is __."

Chilli Challenge: If you can find one more and one less than numbers to 20, maybe you could try numbers to 30!

This is the same as last week because it is of great urgency that we need to receive the buddy letters ASAP so that they get to the buddies. I have not received any emails of them so far (and am hoping that the email address is working). The buddies have been a very special part of your child's reception year and they would love a parting message from their buddies in reception. Please send an email to the below address containing a picture of your child's letter.

This week we have a very special task to say goodbye to our Year 6 buddies. At the end of the school year we normally write a letter to our buddy to thank them for this year and wish them good luck.

Think carefully about how you might spell your buddy's name. You can write a letter and an adult can take a picture to email Miss Pittam at

For Example:
To _______
Thank you for being a good buddy. Good luck at big school.
From _______

I will be very impressed if you include your own sentences in your letter!

Chilli Challenge: If you have finished and sent your letter, see if you can read the below tricky words AND spell them without looking at the word.

Reading Books
Do not forget that children can read these phonics ebooks.

If You Are Not In School At The Moment...
Remember to practise your phonics on the Teach Your Monster To Read app/website.
There are full phonics lessons from the middle of Phase 3 on this Youtube Channel.
Full maths home activities are available at this website.

Have a great week!

From Miss Pittam