Healthy Child Initiative
Kislingbury School is committed to developing our children to become healthy, active individuals. As part of this process we have joined the Northampton Healthly Child Initiative.
This has led to us starting a Healthy Living ' Get Started Club which runs each morning every week. We are putting a greater emphasis on a positive message about eating and food. We provide a fruit snack each day for every child and good behaviour in school is rewarded with opportunities to have lunch on the top table with the head teacher.
The school also encourages physical activity and in addition to the two hours of P.E. each week we have activity clubs running each day including a running club, netball, mixed and girls football, and gymnastics. We also have external coaches come into school two lunchtimes each week to run lunchtime activity clubs,
The running club for children and staff from the school is held every Tuesday. We consistently have over 55 children join us each week.
Attached is a copy of the Healthy Lunch Box guide. We ask that parents who provide a packed lunch rather than using the school's lunchtime service try to ensure their children have a healthy balanced diet across the week. The leaflet should provide some guidance.