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Kislingbury CE Primary School

Flourishing, academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually through love.


Woo Hoo It's Friday!

He is your work for to today. Maths and Phonics are consolidation activities, remember you don't have to do all the Maths activities as a have given you a few to choose from.

As next week is Half Term, I will not be putting any home learning on for you, but remember that it is good to try and read every day. You can also use NumBots to practice your Maths.

Our Computing unit using Scratch Jnr has two lessons left, I have put both of them on today so that you have the last one available to do at some point during Half Term.

The alternative BBC Bitsize computing link for this week is: How do you program a robot?

My Stars of the Week this week are:

       Well done!

I hope you all have a lovely Half Term and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Stay Safe

Mrs Lunn x