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- School closure - Class work folders from March - July 2020>
- Althorp Class (EYFS)>
- W/C 20th April 2020>
- Friday>
Physical Development
Start your day off at 9am with Joe Wicks on his YouTube Channel! Link below!
Story Time
Planting vegetables! The document is attached at the bottom of the page.
See if you can beat your last time on Flash Cards Speed Trial (Phase 2 and 3) https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/member-only/Flashcards.html
Adults: Can you read these words and see if your child can write them in their scrapbook:
Quack check fish moth wing
Mild Chilli Challenge: hail
Spicy Chilli Challenge: deep
HOT Chilli Challenge: might
In the documents section there are two stories. One is a spicy (orange) chilli challenge and one is a HOT (red) chilli challenge. There are some questions below for the adult to ask and the child to respond to verbally.
Can you write a sentence about this picture?
Chilli Challenge: Can you include a capital letter at the start, a full stop at the end and the word ‘and’ to join two ideas in your sentence?
Understanding the World
Use a camera, a phone camera, tablet camera etc. to take pictures of a collection of objects. For example, your favourite food items, your favourite toys or even what your family gets up to during the day!