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- School closure - Class work folders from March - July 2020>
- Sulgrave Class (Year 5 & 6)>
- W/C 6 : 11.5.20>
- 3. Friday 15.5.20>
- 3. Spelling>
3. Spelling
Learn your new spelling for 15 minutes. Remember there are so many ways to practise.
Try: chanting, ringing a friend and practising together, clapping the letters, assigning an animal to each letter to help remember, write it 5, 10 or 15 times, write it in a word pyramid, write it as a picture, use chalk. coloured pencils or pens, type it on a computer as many times as possible in 5 minutes
Choose any of these or choose your own idea.
Today's spellings:
Mrs Munton: it's
Miss Neagle: knowledge
Miss Holland: politician
Mr Icke: harass
Miss White: deterrent